IUCN Kommissionen
IUCN kennt ein weit verzweigtes System von gegen 10’000 freiwilligen Experten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen. Auch Schweizer Spezialisten wirken in den sechs IUCN Kommissionen mit. Sie sind als Gäste zu den Sitzungen des Schweizer IUCN Komitees eingeladen.

Species Survival Commission (SSC)
SSC advises the Union on the technical aspects of species conservation and mobilizes action for those species that are threatened with extinction. Members: 7000.

World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
WCPA promotes the establishment and effective management of a worldwide representative network of terrestrial and marine protected areas. Members: 1300.

Commission on Environmental Law (CEL)
CEL advances environmental law by developing new legal concepts and instruments, and by building the capacity of societies to employ environmental law for conservation and sustainable development. Members: 800.

Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
CEC champions the strategic use of communication and education to empower and educate stakeholders for the sustainable use of natural resources. Members: 600.

Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
CEESP provides expertise and policy advice on economic and social factors for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Members: 500.

Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
CEM provides expert guidance on integrated ecosystem approaches to the management of natural and modified ecosystems. Members: 400.
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